CTC Long Runs

Season 1: April - September 2021

Long Run #1

“The 22K Chase.” All athletes jog EASY together for the first half of The 22K Chase. This is a 13.7 mile, hilly course in Iten at 7500.’

  • The strongest distance runners run 11K “Out.”

  • The slower distance runners run with them and turn around at about 10.2K.

  • As soon as the slower runners turn around to run home, The Chase is on. The slower runners try not to get caught with their 1.6K (mile) head start. The faster runners have to continue to the 11K mark before turning around.

  • If the coach designs it correctly, all athletes will be racing for the win over the last Kilometer.

    • Completed on 3Apr2021.

      • Paul: 1:38.55 (4:30/K). 3:35+ / K over last 11K

      • Titus: 1:40:36 (4:34/K).

      • Fridah: 1:39 (4:30/K for last 10K)

Long Run #2

You need to average the paces below. Do not start too slow on the 1st K. This workout will be a challenge with the hills.

“23K Steady.” Goal Pace Average: Titus - 4:08 - 4:13 / K, Paul: 4:00 - 4:05 / K

“21K Steady.” Goal Pace Average: Shadrack: 4:20 / K Fridah: 4:22 / K

April 10th Results: Fridah 21K 1:28:15; Titus 23K 1:30:21; Paul 23K 1:34:35; Shadrack 20K 1:25:17;

Long Run #3

We want a nice strong effort for this run. Hills on the course are good. Scheduled for April 17th. The Long Run on April 24th will be very easy. The Long Run on May 1st will be 25K / 22K for race effort.

25K Steady: Titus and Paul, 3:58 / K or faster

22K Steady: Fridah, 4:18 / K or faster

20K Steady: Shadrack & Nancy, 4:18 / K or faster

Long Run #4

This is an EASIER and SLOWER effort. Scheduled for April 24th. We are now preparing for 3K test, 300 / 600m test, and Long Run test next week. Make sure this LR pace is EASY.

15K Steady: Titus and Paul, 4:30 / K or slower

14K Steady: Fridah, Shadrack, & Nancy, 4:40 / K or slower.