CTC Training Doctrine

How to Run Very Fast

We have summarized our training philosophy and grouped our coaching into 10 categories that a runner must work on if they want to excel in the sport. Some categories are more important than others, dependent on your event specialty. Often, if an athlete completely fails in any one of these categories, they will begin to crumble, and eventually falter. We’ve found that if an athlete works intelligently and diligently over an extended period of time - developing all of the categories appropriately - they really can become a solid runner at the high school, collegiate, and community level.

CTCs 10 Training Principles

Note: A detailed weight training and plyometric program is addressed across no less than half of these 10 categories.

Coach Christensen - a founding member of Colorado Track Club Board of Directors - has had a major influence on CTCs training doctrine and philosophy. Scott has achieved legendary coaching results and is one of the premier endurance instructors in the United States. He has a graduate degree in Biology and has taught for over three decades. At CTC, he is a valued mentor and friend as we develop a demanding international training program for dedicated athletes.

CTC is also fortunate to have a variety of articles from Olympic medalists, Olympians, national champions, and NCAA greats. The link below will take you to our team library.